Article title:
Assessment of the correlation of clinical and functional indicators and cognitive tests in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps.
Igor Elizbaryan, Larisa Lazareva.
For citation:
Elizbaryan I., Lazareva L. Assessment of the correlation of clinical and functional indicators and cognitive tests in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps.Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Pathology (ORLHNP). 2024; 3 (2): 15-23.
Relevance: the versatility of the clinical picture of chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps is not limited to nasal obstruction and impaired sense of smell, this disease has a complex complex effect on the central regulatory mechanisms of the patient, manifested by impaired cognitive and mnestic functions of the brain.Objective: to evaluate the correlation of indicators characterizing the functional state of the nasal cavity in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps and cognitive tests in the pre- and postoperative period.Materials and methods: testing was performed in 45 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps with a long history of the disease (M= 117 months). The age of the study group was from 22 to 65 years (M=48.964 years), without concomitant chronic pathology. The scope of clinical testing included testing of synonasal symptoms of SNOT-22, the Lund-Kennedy scale and active anterior rhinomanometry (ml/sec). Changes in X-ray examinations (CT ONP) were assessed on the Lund-MacKay scale. Cognitive abilities were tested on the basis of the MoCA test in points with subsequent interpretation by a psychiatrist. The evaluation of the indicators was carried out before the surgical treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps, after 1 and 6 months. Results: The results were obtained to reduce the indicators of sinonasal symptoms on the SNOT-22 scale from M=31.42 before surgery and up to 4.04 points after 6 months; the Lund-Kennedy scale from M=7.87 to M=0.38 points; the Lund-Mackey scale from M=15.49 to M =0.47 points at the final stage. The indicators of active anterior rhinomanometry tended to increase from M=399.04 ml/sec before surgery and M=856.60 ml/sec after six months. Testing of neurocognitive disorders according to MoHS in patients preoperatively demonstrated average values of 21.49 points, which indicated the presence of mild disorders. Further testing made it possible to obtain indicators of 25.38 points after 1 month, which were fixed with a clear positive trend during the study after 6 months. Conclusion. An interdisciplinary approach to the assessment of clinical manifestations in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps, based on the inclusion of testing of neurocognitive disorders in the study, allows for a more complete assessment of the impact of the pathological process on the patient’s body. The inclusion of the MOS test in the complex of pre- and postoperative studies allows us to form an individualized approach to the implementation of therapeutic and rehabilitation measures in this category of patients.