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The Effect of Astaxanthin as the Strongest Antioxidant on the Human Body.


Mariana Samoilova , Tamara Kosyreva , Olga Voeikova , Svetlana Dragunova , Margarita Sakanyan , Nikolay Tuturov  Ekaterina Ezhova , Angelina Kozhokar.

For citation:

Samoilova M., Kosyreva T., Voeikova O., Dragunova S., Sakanyan M., Tuturov N., Ezhova E., Kozhokar A. The effect of Astaxanthin as the strongest antioxidanton the human body. Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Pathology (ORLHNP). 2024; 3 (1): 22-26.


Periodontal is a set of complex complex tissues that hold the tooth. If the violation adequate oral hygiene in inflammation, in which the antioxidant defense system of the person is not coping According to the synthesis report of the who (1978), chronic gingivitis in the European population is found in almost 80 % of children 10-12 years old and up to 100 % of children aged 14 years. Traditional methods of treatment aimed at eliminating the microbial factor are not always effective enough. Thus, periodontal diseases are an urgent problem today. Of great interest is the natural Astaxanthin, which surpasses other antioxidants in its anti- inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.


periodontal disease, antioxidant, astaxanthin, peroxidation, beta-carotene, Hematococcus pluvialis.