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Article title:

Study of Wound Healing and Local Irritant Effects of Antioxidant Prophylactic Gel


Mariana Samoilova, Tamara Kosyreva, Nikolay Tuturov, Olga Voeikova, Imad Katbeh, Elena Voropaeva, Alexander Zatevalov, Arfenia Karamyan, Ekaterina Ezhova, Margarita Sakanian, Svetlana Dragunova, Farida Osmanova, Alexey Vyshelesskiy, Angelina Kozhokar

For citation:

Samoilova M., Kosyreva T., Tuturov N., Voeykova O., Katbeh I., Voropaeva E., Zatevalov A., Karamyan A., Ezhova E., Sakanyan M., Dragunova S., Osmanova F., Vyshelesskiy A., KozhokarA.Study of wound healing and local irritant effects of antioxidant prophylactic gel. Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Pathology (ORLHNP). 2024; 3 (1): 31-42.


The effect of dental gel with astaxanthin and polyprenol on the detection of toxicity and local

irritant effect on laboratory animals was evaluated. The local inflammatory reaction, wound healing effect, hematological and biochemical parameters of laboratory animals were studied when using a gel with astaxanthin and polyprenol.  When conducting a study on laboratory animals, dental gel with astaxanthin and polyprenol showed wound healing effect, absence of toxicity and local irritant effect. The antioxidant gel with astaxanthin and polyprenol showed wound healing properties, as well as the absence of toxicity and local irritant effects on laboratory animals.


astaxanthin, polyprenol, dental gel, toxicity.