Article title:
Triphasic Pulse Stimulation Pattern in Cochlear Implant Users Assessed with Ecap Measure
A.Pashkov, K.Voevodina, V.Popadyuk, A. Pashkova, I. Naumova, A. Izosimov, D. Klyachko
For citation:
Pashkov A., Voevodina K., Popadyuk V., Pashkova A., Naumova I., Izosimov A., Klyachko D. Triphasic Pulse Stimulation Pattern in Cochlear Implant Users Assessed with Ecap Measure. Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Pathology (ORLHNP). 2023; 2 (4): 62-66.
The rationale for the use of three-phase stimulation for programming the processor of the cochlear implantation system (CI) in patients with deafness is presented. To study the possibilities of using a new type of stimulation, we selected patients after cochlear implantation, with signs of facial nerve stimulation (FNS) in postoperative period. All subjects were previously fitted with an audio processor with individual fitting maps based on traditional biphasic stimulation. The use of three-phase stimulation to prevent FNS is caused by the geometry of the electric current pulses, which allows to reduce the penetrating power of the charge in the tissues and eliminate the effect on the facial nerve, without resorting to reducing the levels of stimulation necessary to create a dynamic range of sound perception. Comparative data of the parameters and the results of audiological testing in 21 patients with symptoms of FNS with traditional (two-phase) and three-phase electrical pulses in the stimulation algorithm of the CI system are presented. The positive effect of three-phase stimulation has been established. The results of the study show a significant increase in sound perception indicators when switching to a three-phase stimulation algorithm.
cochlear implantation, hearing and speech rehabilitation, sensorineural hearing loss, cochlear implant processor fitting.