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Article title:

Stapedoplasty as a Method of Hearing Loss Treatment in Patients with Tympanosclerosis


Andrey Kryukov, Natalia Kunelskaya, Yevgeny Garov, Victoria Zelenkova, Elena Zagorskaya, Pavel Sudarev

For citation:

Kryukov A., Kunelskaya N., Garov Y., Zelenkova V., Zagorskaya E., Sudarev P. Stapedoplasty as a Method of Hearing Loss Treatment in Patients with Tympanosclerosis. Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Pathology (ORLHNP). 2023; 2 (4): 48-56.


Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of stapedoplasty as a method of hearing loss treatment in patients with stapes tympanosclerotic fixation.

Materials and Methods:The first group included 25 patients with CPOM and TSC who under-went a two-stage surgery (2nd stage – stapedoplasty). The second group included 25 patients with CPOM and TSC who underwent a one-, two-, or three-stage surgery with a typical sta-pedoplasty as a final step, but using a surgical CO2 laser.

Results: Analysis data of ABG mean values (35.3±8.6 dB before surgery) in TSC2 group showed their decrease in 1 month up to 22.1±9.5 dB; in 6 months – up to 17.0±8.0 dB, and in 12 months – up to 14.9±7.4 dB. Stapedoplasty with laser assistance was also effective, but its best results were shown in 6-12 months after surgery. ABG values < 20 dB were reached in 76% pa-tients; from 20 to 30 dB – in 92%, and 30 dB – in 100% patients. Analysis data of BC values (30.3±11.3 dB before surgery) showed their consistency in 1 month after surgery – 31.1±13.2 dB; in 6 months – 28.9±13.1 dB, and in 12 months – 28.3 ± 12.8 dB.

Conclusion: Laser assistance during stapes crus crossing stage and stapedotomy in the early fol-low-up period results in absence of inner ear reaction for surgery.


chronic purulent otitis media, tympanosclerosis, stapedoplasty, CO2 laser.