Valentin Popadyuk
DSc, Professor, Head of department of otorhinolaryngology, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
The Journal OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, HEAD and NECK PATHOLOGY provides timely information for physicians and scientists concerned with head and neck diseases
The Journal OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, HEAD and NECK PATHOLOGY (ORLHNP) is published on-line by the International Society for Clinical Physiology and Pathology.
The Journal ORLHNP is dedicated to the rapid publication of high-quality articles of interest to specialists in clinical and theoretical medicine, as well as specialists in biological areas, whose research contributes to the development of high-quality diagnosis, treatment and prevention of head and neck diseases…
Given the variety of specialized journals devoted to this anatomical area, ORLHNP publishes clinical, experimental, review articles and public health studies on diseases of the head and neck. We prioritize rigorous study design that accurately defines the boundary between normality and disease onset, the etiology and pathogenesis of head and neck disease, evaluates diagnostic strategies, and distinguishes between treatment options and outcomes.
Our aims are to (1) publish original materials that will improve clinicians’ understanding of disease onset and help prevent disease in a timely manner; (2) to formulate a strategy for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases through clinical and translational research, including human genome research and new imaging techniques; (3) address issues of the relationship between experimental results and their application in clinical practice; (4) provide expert reviews of topics that keep our readers up to date on real advances; (5) to serve as a forum for general clinical and theoretical problems in the development of pathology; (6) provide helpful criticism that enables authors to improve their submissions. We believe this approach to editorial policy epitomizes the ORLHNP’s commitment to providing important information that is easily interpreted by its diverse readership.